Flight Sim Setup
Note: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is not currently supported.
Microsoft FSX Simulator Integration:
The following procedure outlines steps required to integrate an Android Tablet running DroidEFB with a PC running Microsoft Flight Simulator X (MS FSX) for experimentation at home.
Required equipment:
1. PC running Microsoft Flight Simulator X.
2. FSUIPC4; Peter Dowson application to provide GPS output from FSX. Download at http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html. This software requires purchase of an access code to activate the GPS functionality (€24.00), http://secure.simmarket.com/pete-dowson-fsuipc4.phtml.
3. Bluetooth serial data capability, such as a Rocketfish (Model Number: RF-FLBTAD) and Medialink (MUA-BA3) with the latest drivers, to provide the serial data functionality.
4. Android Tablet, Bluetooth capable.
5. Bluetooth GPS application (Googoo Android): Free from Google Play.
6. DroidEFB application: Available from Google Play or droidefb.com.
Configuring Bluetooth for PC:
1. Open the Bluetooth Settings.
2. Select “Allow Bluetooth devices to find this computer”.

3. Select the “Com Ports” tab.

4. If not already established, add a virtual Receive Com port:
a) Click “Add…”.
b) Select “Incoming (device initiates the connection).
c) Click OK.
d) Note the Com Port Number (i.e. Com X).
e) Click OK.

Configure the BT serial port Properties:
1. Under Device Manager / Ports (Com & LPTX), Right click “Standard Serial over Bluetooth link (Com X).
2. Select Properties.

3. Select Port Settings.
a) Bits per Second: 9600
b) Data Bits: 8
c) Parity: None
d) Stop: 1
e) Flow Control: None
f) Click Ok.

Microsoft Flight Simulator X:
1. Install FSUIPC per the FSUIPC documentation.
2. Launch MS FSX and enter FSUIPC registration key when prompted.
3. Select the “Add-ons” drop down from flight page and click on “FSUIPC…”.

4. Configure FSUIPC:
a) Within FSUIPC, select “AutoSave/GPSout”.
b) Check “Check to enable this GPSout”.
c) Select the previous noted Comm Port for the Bluetooth data bus (i.e Comm 6) from the Comm Port Drop Down.
d) Speed: 9600
e) Interval (msecs) 1000 to 2000.
f) Select GGA, RMC, GSA.
g) Click OK.

Android Tablet Configuration:
1. Install the Bluetooth GPS app.
2. Configure the tablet for Mock GPS providers
a) Select {} Developer Options, may require enabling.
b) Check “Allow mock locations”.
c) Turn on Bluetooth in the tablet.
d) Pair the Tablet and the PC.
Note: If a device code is required try 0000 or 1234 on the tablet and PC.
Playing together:
1. Launch Flight Simulator X.
Note: the tablet will need to see Bluetooth serial activity for the next steps.
2. Launch the tablet Bluetooth GPS app on the tablet.
3. Click “Connect” in the app.
4. Verify streaming GPS data in the Bluetooth GPS app.
Note: Data must be streaming in the BT GPS app for DroidEFB to track.
Tracking the simulator:
1. Launch DroidEFB.
Note: If the setup was successful, DroidEFB will jump to the reported aircraft location in FSX.